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I seen bono wearing this nice leather jacket with a red star on the breast pocket and in the inside linning of the coat it has the american flag. Now i wanted to buy one of these yet i have read on...
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1, whats this new law that if anything costs over ?250.00,That you cant pay by cash and has to be paid by debit/credit card..?,Me dad wanted to buy a car for ?5,000 cash but was told by the dealer he...
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What is the name of the fish,that if it isnt cooked properly it can kill you..?
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i sent a challenging response letter to my holiday insurance company,As they had declined to pay out on what i was making a claim for.I sent this letter via royal mail registered delivery ie the...
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doe's anyone knowwhere i would be able to get the contact information for the asda chief executive...?,either and address or a telelphone number.I have tried asda house but they are not wanting to...
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Personaly i dont think it has,The Beatles split up many years ago now and still no group/artist has sold more records than them.What do you think...?
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Hey my friends,I have just been u2 live in chicago and bono is wearing a nice black t-shirt .From what i can see on it is a map of africa,is this the special edt africa t-shirt he is promoting..? if...
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Are you able to open a new one...?,I have seen it advertised but just wondered wether it was legal..?
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I have sky+ and i have it connected up to a sony amplifier,now when i first set it up everytime i went onto a channel that was showing a movie in DD (dolbly digital) a purple icon would appear on my...
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I have seen a coat online for ?110.00 and i wanted to buy it,Now when i have gone onto purchase the item it says that my size isnt in stock.So i emailed the company just ask what there stock levels of...
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does anyone know where i can view the different seats on the plane,on a picture as i am thinking about flying to new york with them business class but would like to see the seats first!

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