all answers contain the word ear 2. Down in the dumps 12 10. Continuously 4/2 4/3 20. Pain caused by nagging 7 43. Arabian up on hind legs 7 45. Small town in South Yorkshire 4/4/6 thanks in advance...
all answers include a colour ? 1.Gloss over feelungs (9) 2. What you're likely to turn after 'off' oysters (5,5,3,5 ) 3. This band counl make your eyes water ! (3,3,5,7,) 4. Jimi's psychedelic mist...
1.' on either side the river lie long fields of ? and of rye'- tennyson 2. according to the rhyme for the existence pf Oast houses 3.river and river and these love being tickled = 4. cabbages with...
1. gained fame as the little gentleman in the velvet suit ? 2. william blake asked the question Little? who made thee ? 3. small rodent who makes his home in the ears of ripened crops 4. the name of...
11. change a letter on a foot stool
12. to give authority to a woody plant
14. bread bun is it a poetic 007 character
16. compare views month emitted light...
22, quantity of paper barn compartments 30. type of writing is headless 33. i from trailing dress part short autmn month 19. entirely beside male bovine 35. fourth to fool 42. sounds like a battle...
some part of the answer is asscoiated with weddings 1.minimal love ' with ni kissses' 1,4,7 2. a fine,full head covering 4 3. marie antoinette's advice for a sweetmeat 3,4,3,4 4. wedding express 6,5...