unravel the clues to find items associated with a place eg. nbbhuta = bath bun 1. vmadeeorcn ( 2 words ) 2. tkmennnilubkcaor ( 2 words ) 3. jfiprraielsmue ( 3 words ) 4. gnicealmahtton (2 words ) 5....
all answers contain the name of an animal or bird 1. sharp bend (6) 2. unwanted weeed (3,3) 3. it is trouble in a pomd (8) 4. bachelor's favourite (4,5) 5. place on the A229 (9) 6. in big trouble (8)...
no number of letters given
3 fruit disturbs
9 mull vegetables
29 chintzy mouth parts?
33 wobbly nips
thanks for any help.the quiz is from scotland so could be scottish sweets...
1. a piece of music based on well knoen melodies (8)
2. type of dancr (6)
3. a townsman (7)
4. wolf is a type plus south (8)
5. swaggering show of courage (7)...
Strange Men Loud stretch of water team herbs tow points flavoured welcome chintzy mouth parts snob points point thieves Don't have any letters - they are clues to sweets Any help appreciated...