anyone help me finish this puzzle as going away and have to get it away. 10. a girl or shrub either way add a letter 19. an aim lair extremely unpleasant loses 'ul' 30. she may be an orangey pink 32....
could anyone help me with the following sweets no.7 strange men no.9 mull vegetables no.17 winning letters no.21 tow points no.23 exposes minus one thanks for any help
11)Plummeting defeat linear measure(d) 18)King Cole-but not the merry old soul((f - g) 25)Will possibly take off (l - m) 42) Small amount extreme north and south(s - t)........... a kind of pole?...
1. a store (9)
2. type of dance (6)
3. a townsman (7)
4. part of a famous car (5)
5. a pink hoob (4)
6. wolf is a type plus south (8)
thanks in advance...
i need the answer to 39. starting notes all in a little scale, no letters or numbers given, time is getting short now, and would like to finish it, thanks in advance.
1. wanders effortsly over southern oceans 9 2. knock knock. Who's there ? 10 3. fabric for flags 7 ( i thought maybe bunting but not sure ) 4. wing span of about 9feet,being introduced from Norway to...
No number of letters 27. Just a sec' definitely not 28. Like the hole belgs to Mrs sugden - I'm sure the answer is molly but can't see the connection for the first part of the clue 30. She may be an...
1. confused land between two types of cold blooded beasts
2. long shot hunt for information
3. talk about endlessly
4. baby food with single competitive running
5. watch our hero win gold in here...
I am having trouble with these last two any help appreciated No1 TNIOP TNIOP TNIOP Think this could be three backwards points, but have not heard the saying No2 ABCDEF GHIJK EON LMNOP QRSTU VWXYZ...
1. hunting _________ and fishing 2. moving smoothly 3. extract match essentials from this support 4. insert direction in brace to sing 5. tom in band played a new version 6.lawks ha'mercy,cling on for...
1 "Run for the bus" he said (6) 2 Dolly stand in line (8) 3Book seller and slippery fish in Furness (11) 4You dont have to be green fingered to grow these (5) 5 Ocean missing from...