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How common (or uncommon) are female ginger cats? We've just had a plumber in who was very taken with our ginger cat Loulou (aka Ginga) and was totally amazed that she is female. He was convinced it...
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A cat of my acquaintance, who I see on my way to & from work, sometimes gently nibbles my hand when I pet him. If I stroke his head or hold my hand there, he rubs against it, and sometimes...
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What animal or creature are you frightened of or dislike? The one I detest I can't bring myself to even print its name
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Has anyone tried self-hypnosis therapy using mp3 downloads or cd's? Does it work? And would it work for someone who is profoundly deaf in one ear, (other ear is fine) or would I be wasting my money?...
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Can anyone send me the link or tell me where i can download the instruction manual to the LG Veiwty mobile phone. Cheers Ady
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How long are dogs pregnant for?
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Have you ever noticed that if you put a piece of paper on the floor no matter how small your cat will sit on it?
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If the answer to 55 is frug What is 59 a? Anxious or irritated I have ?R?T?U? The T is from ebullient and the u from Buff. Help!!! my last clue
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12 across. "Hold in stomach". The answer is BEAR. Can someone please explain? Thank you and Good Morning All.
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I'm absolutely fuming! Just received a letter from Council Tax Office to say that they've changed the due date for monthly instalments from the end of the month to the 1st of the month. This means...
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Has anybody ever been bitten by a horsefly? How long does the lump stay on your arm for was it very painful?
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freebi 2
27) the non-sticky sticky stuff = 30) full of lovely stuff = 33) have it your way = 35) I`m lovin` it = 49) try something new today = manufacturer and prouct/service thanks for your help freebi
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Donald Duck
thanks for preious answers, so what is 26a then? Kill Beaune off and become far from simpatico (10) U?l???a?le
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hi how do i remove norton from windows XP ??? SIMPLE INSTRUCTIONS NEEDED THANKS IN ADVANCE !
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1 across fundamental puritan area of the USA (5,4) 23 across List of british peers (7) any help please?

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