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What are your thoughts on fur? I went out for lunch yesterday and, due to it being SO cold, decided to wear my fur. When I was in the bathroom, a lady complimented me on it and asked which shop I'd...
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I only became aware of this when scanning through a post from yesterday: Why is it that the contribution from Muslim and Commonwealth troops during the...
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anotheoldgit Moved to a 2.5 million pound council house rent free for two years, simply because officials decided the refurbishment of a leisure centre next to their home would disturb...
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this is not a question, just a statement, where I live, at the moment it is like world war 3, with the fireworks going off, there is also an organised display as well, my poor cats are so distracted,...
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Why is it that when somebody does something sadistic they feel that the fact that they were drunk is some sort of explanation for their actions? I can't...
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With the price of booze and fags going up, are there any benefits I can claim to compensate for the high cost of maintaining my lifestyle ?
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On BBC2.The other day, I watched the old black & white film,'The Dam Busters' I was amazed to notice that the name of Guy Gibson's black Labrador dog had not been erased from the soundtrack. They...
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Now that France is on strike, were are all the posts praising the French for their bravery and steadfastness against things they feel are un-French and lamenting that we're not more like them? Or is...
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Sally had her first (small) taste of fireworks the other was just a few booms and bursts over a 5 or ten minute period. She disappeared upstairs,and when she ventured back down she was...
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Posts are scarce on here today. Is the site still unstable? I am having lots of problems with Answerbank in all categories.
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As usual - stuck on one. 14 across. A film director who retains strict control over the creative content of a film and is considered to be its creator. (6). I have ?U?E?R. Maybe I have something wrong...
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Someone knows you are there, does not want to know you are there, if they know you are there, they are embarrassment of knowing you are there, so they do not want to know you are there! this question...
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anotheoldgit At last they are beginning to get their comeuppance, but why did they bother taking them into custody, why did they not just blow them out of the water along with their...
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i'm studying pharmacy and has been cautioned because of ticket fraud (i used someone's ticket to travel on the train). i was not arrested but i signed a form and was told not to do it again. will this...
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I've just booked tickets for me and my pal - neither of us has been to the live show. Do we have the guts to dress up, and what can we wear that will allow us to go to the pub afterwards without...
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bald eagle
Help required please as have ground to a halt 67a Table game, 9 letter word B?????L?E. 75a Small drum, 7 letter word T?????R 26d Goad 9 letter word I?S?L?A?? would appreciate any suggestions, please...
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god help the RMT! Come to think of it did anyone see the dispatches program about the unions this week? The last thing they care about is their members. Who in their right mind would join a Union?
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17a Prominent or well-known object or feature of a locality recognizable from a distance (8) L?N?M?R?...
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1d a digitally recorded sound taken from an original recording to be reproduced in another ?a?p?e

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