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Can anyone work out what accent the man on the McDonald's advert for poundsaver thing is trying to do? I mean it starts of sounding a bit like a Welsh accent then does a quick Indian accent then i...
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What is the name of the song that Debra Stephenson sang on Comic Relief does Fame Academy on Thursday 3rd March 2005?
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Bonzo 2000
Is it true that hot water will freeze more quickly than cold?  I have heard this rumoured, but never proven and cannot imagine why it would be so.  Any theories?
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Why has a spider got eight legs?
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Does anyone know if Maroon 5 are doing a uk tour in 2005, and if so were i can buy tickets? Thanks
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Can anyone find the video for the new Volkswagen Golf Gti 2005 advert with Gene Kelly Breakdancin' In The Rain? Please!!
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If you are say 10 stone weight and eat 1/2 a stone of mashed potates, will you then be 10.5 stone and if not, why not
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Is Jupiter a brown dwarf? Is it possible that it is a failed star, that was simply not heavy enough to collapse?
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If the sun was magically removed in a split second it would be five minutes before it got dark on earth. When would we feel the effect of gravity, imediately or in a few minutes?
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Please help me with this one: Why does the hole in a metal ring gets bigger if you heat up the material, even though the metal expands? I know that it does but can not explain it to my 5 year old...
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If i could dig a hole exaclty thru the centre of the earth, straight thru the core, surely i would come out the other end feet first? Why wouldnt i feel upside down?
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Dom Tuk
Anyone closer to finding an answer to the age old conundrum...Which is the greater number, the people alive on this planet today or the sum of all of whom who have died on this planet. I recall...
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What is the highest temperature any material can withstand?
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Is it true the recent tsunami changed the axis of theEarth very slightly
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Kelly Boswel
What is laser energy? How is it formed?How can it be converted?Where does it come from? How can it be used? How expensive is it?
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Why do the space suits of astronauts have a metallic coating?
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wh osings the tune to the latest persil ad my grandma and your grandma sittin by the fire, is the start
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Does anybody know the music to the Nike ad where a bloke is chasing a hot dog stand down the street?
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Anyone know the latin type music played in the new Nike trainers ad, where a blokes running after a hot dog stand?
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steve m 66
what is the music to the new nike shox ad

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