Can anyone work out what accent the man on the McDonald's advert for poundsaver thing is trying to do? I mean it starts of sounding a bit like a Welsh accent then does a quick Indian accent then i...
Is it true that hot water will freeze more quickly than cold? I have heard this rumoured, but never proven and cannot imagine why it would be so. Any theories?
If the sun was magically removed in a split second it would be five minutes before it got dark on earth. When would we feel the effect of gravity, imediately or in a few minutes?
Please help me with this one: Why does the hole in a metal ring gets bigger if you heat up the material, even though the metal expands? I know that it does but can not explain it to my 5 year old...
If i could dig a hole exaclty thru the centre of the earth, straight thru the core, surely i would come out the other end feet first? Why wouldnt i feel upside down?
Anyone closer to finding an answer to the age old conundrum...Which is the greater number, the people alive on this planet today or the sum of all of whom who have died on this planet. I recall...