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it was here a minute ago. i'm not imagining things am i? xXx
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what were the recently discovered apostles/gospels linked to the bible (there were lots of discovery channel adverts about it) and did it actually reveal anything?
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Salamanda ristiano-ronaldo-new-photos/new-cristiano-rona ldo-photo-127.jpg makes me go weak at the knees xxx
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Italy or Germany or Portugal ? Goodness sake what a load of cobblers, it's what GOD supports the noo *disappears giggling insanely*
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Hi guys This post IS NOT meant to fuel debate, nor is it meant top provoke abuse from females. Right..............................any recommendations please for internet dating sites where the women...
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what football team do you support? and where in this world are you from??
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sitting on a bench outside the Auldene Garden centre in Croston eating me Cornetto, (my daughter had a pastel lolly), just bought 10 new tropical fish and all was right with the world, then...
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So its premiered,anyone seen it? any good,or better than the first please.
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is from a society where if you dont stand up for yourself by being violent you are seen as weak which is so caveman like , which is why i have doubts if he will ever control himself, it is actually...
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Why is it when there is a bird streaker on at cricket, the TV companies do not show her, yet here on the BBC a MALE streaker has just entered on Centre Court with his sausage in full swinging mode for...
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can this cross dressing greenie be given an award for the (so called) greenie-to-offend-the-most-regular-users-in-the-shortest-space-of-time as within the space of just a few wee hours they have not...
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what do people think of dot's replies to questions.....?
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Further to an earlier post, I now find that my inbox is littered with stuff that ends with 'lol' and/or 'XXX'. Should I trust these people, or are they just nincompoops out to cause a bit of damage to...
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What`s your ...Wedding and Funeral songs?
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RIGHT NOW? Booldawg can confirm that mrs B is out at work, 11 year old stepdaughter is playing Tony Hawks 4 on the X-Box and lickle 15 month old daughter went down at 19:15, no doubt to wake up...
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you could walk a mile (or six) in someone else's shoes, who would you choose and why?
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Im lonely someone talk to me please!
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right guys im of on hoilday wed morning now my mind has gone completley blank ! i just want to make sure iv got everything can you list the essentials that i need just to remind me thanks guys! p.s i...
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where did they originate from?
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O.K seriously now.I was thinking even Hitler the most evil man ever was kind to those he liked so in order to be a kind person do you have to be kind to the people you hate?I believe you cannot call...

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