I had a email address for Sir Terry Leahy of Tesco. This went direct to him at Tesco or his next in command. With this action was taken of any complaint made. I have lost this email and I was...
stuck on a silly wee clue childrens building bricks L??O I thought LUDO, but that is not building bricks, Think I have the right letters, but not sure now. any help welcomed.
95 across uncultivated land 5letters ??a?h 118 across disillusioned 12 letters d?s?n????t?d 39 down 5 letters g?i?e 77 down catkin bearing tree 5 letters ??r??
Stuck on last one 25a The Truth - a leading newspaper of the former Soviet Union -r-v-a also 41a Collapsible headwear for theatre-goers o-e-a -a- (two words_
103- Down- Keeps away from. 6 letters. I have a??i?g I thought it would be avoids but I have the G from Gideon from 119-Across-(6) Biblical judge but that could also be Samuel. The L does not fit in...
102 Across. Stephen ......., Veteran Paralympian 6 Letters. I have P?DT?N I don't know if I have some letters wrong. I got the P from 101 Across : Fear of Spiders- Arachnophobia. The D from 109 Across...