we think there was a character by the name of teabag years ago on a childrens t.v programme, we came to the conclusion it may have been grotbags from the pink windmill we were thinking of but still...
I have just made an appointment to visit one of the two local nurseries to see if we like the look of it. The 'twins' would only go for two mornings a week from September but I feel really bad about...
It's one week tonight since I damaged my foot. I Can't walk properly only hobble, so can't drive. I'm sick of the tv, there's nothing on anyway. I've nothing to read that I haven't read before. The...
Looking for a place where my grandfather live and have tried googling it, no luck. Looking for Sun Cottages, St Marylebone, North Marylebone. Any ideas as to where this could be? would have been...
A very close friend of many many years began an affair with a man 20yrs her senior, 4 days after first having sex with him she began having 'SYMPTOMS'. she confided in me a little later on that she...
Would love some advice from those with experience in this area... If you read my previous posts, went through some really tough times with my ex. To summarise, we were together for around 4 years and...
A friend's baby is due late July but has been told that it is under weight and in the danger zone. What are the dangers and would an early ceserian be on the cards?
tell your 'date' that they had either a 'bat in the cave' (booger) or half their dinner in their teeth ?? Or would you just try and avoid the incident and let them spend the rest of the date looking...
Especially one who has just gone over a give way line at speed and nearly knocking you and your family over? AND then the officer who was in an unmarked car but wearing uniform decided to stop, half...
My 6 year old asked me why she had brown hair and her little sister had blonde hair. She is quite a bright little girl so I explained briefly about dna and that her great grandma had blonde hair. When...
I read somewhere that when people fall in love to some degree they wanted to fall in love before it happened - like they were looking to fall in love - if you catch my drift. On the other hand we've...
My daughter Kerrie has the unusual middle name cydonia (my great grandmothers name)
my son Ryan has the middle name Harrison (after Harrison ford) my late hubby was a huge fan....