About six years ago my Mum bought her council flat. One of the clauses was that she did not re-sell for seven years, unless it is back to the HA. Yesterday she told me she had spoken to her...
Help! About 45 mins. ago our cat brought in a baby sparrow. I've looked at pictures and it seems to be about 8/9 days old. Whilst shocked and wing at an awkward angle, it has since folded the wing....
MIL currently has some sort of measuring device on her heart at the moment - apparently it has highlighted blackouts at 2-4 am. So she has to have a pacemaker fitted - she is due to have this done in...
Had the dubious pleasure of visiting Watford yesterday and witnessed the shocking behaviour of some young children and their parents. Should breeding permits be introduced?
We will be joining our friends in Las Vegas next summer who will be renewing their wedding vows which will be great. We have visited LV before and so after all the fun are thinking about the...
I clicked onto a very old posting re electric toothbrushes, manual etc. Came across one that said that the person wouldn't use electric or manual but Sonic toothbrush. Anybody care to enlighten me -...
http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/dear-cat-menace-oxford-scientists-letter-warns-village-of-drastic-action-over-birdkilling-9659123.html Not one for you 'cat lovers' I'm afraid, but yes...
What is the general term used for members of this wonderful collective known as "Answer Bank" . Do we say ABer's , ABankers or is there a term used or is there a better one answers please on a...
Afternoon good people. The previous ['See how far this goes'] has once again vanished from latest posts. So here is a new one for you all. You just follow on with a related song or lyric. You can be...
According to the radio this morning Bertha has moved on, so can anyone tell me why I am still having torrential rain......and I mean torrential....today?
I always use Cathedral City Mature for my cheese on toast, never straight from the fridge. I let it get to room temperature first. Sometimes it is beautiful golden brown, other times it just seems to...
I'm just back from a long walk ,it's tipping it down .so not a pretty sight with waterproof gear on .usually meet some people at the shop getting out of the cars they don't hesitate to say are you all...
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/politics/ukip/11024182/Ukip-MEP-Hitlers-powers-of-public-speaking-are-an-inspiration.html Strange that this hasn't been entered up for ridicule, by the anti-UKIP...
Apart from the obvious!! Does anyone know what this ? Was found in mothers garden about 5 inches long and as thick as your thumb!! [IMG]http://i57.tinypic.com/2hgac89.jpg[/IMG] Not sure if this will...