My grandson intends going into the r.a.f. Some one told him they only let people sign on for 5 years now. he hopes to go in as a p.t.i. Would welcome a true answer to my question. Many thanks...
could some kind person ,please tell me the name of the program i require to transfer all my data from one computer to another one. [towers].
kind regards collanton...
Hi, is there anyone out there know how to remove a door cylinder from a weru upc door,managed to remove the handles and fittings,removed about 6 screws from the side plate,where the latch and...
Could someone please tell me the best way to prepair fresh seaweed for the garden,all i have done at the presant moment is cut it up and place it fresh water,where do i go from here ?.
Ihave just purched a new top of the range Aerial [outdoor] becaus we have never really had a great picture on our tv,the tv and the Box are only 2 years old,if I connect the aerial right into the...
sorry if I got people confused about the Oven Glass. Here we go again,i have taken the Glass out of a Oven Door,what I wont to know is how do I cut the Glass in half,which is required to fit a Log...
Evening all,thought I would put a question in before bed time,here we go How does one cut a glass off a oven door which has been removed ?, hope to see some sort of answer in the morning. Good night...
I have accidentally blocked my friends email address,can any one please tell me how I can reinstall it.
My server is blueyonder.
Many thanks in advance.collaton...
Wanted wizz kid to answer this question, if i try to open my email and its only a message in writing no troule,but if it has a attchment,ie moveing pictures,when I click on to open, the hole screen...