On the M8, between Glasgow and Edinburgh, there is a large metal funnel just off the toad but pointing towards it. It looks rather like one of those old gramophone funnels/speakers; albeit many times...
Egg have recently sent me a booklet detailing changes to their terms and conditions. "...in condition 10.5, where you have both an Egg credit card and an Egg loan, and you are in arrears with...
We would like to attend the 'Medievil Night' at the San Miguel castle. However, we can only find details which include coach transfers etc for ?49 each. We feel it could be cheaper for us if made our...
Happily, we're booked up for two weeks in Tenerife in July. The tour operator is Airtours Does anyone know what planes they use. For example, is it a wide bodied DC10 or the narrower (6 seats wide)...
My budget is ?1000. I want a PC that can easily manage games and is quite fast. I only need the base unit (tower) and a new flat screen monitor. I don't even need speakers, mouse or keyboard. (Already...
When reactor #4 erupted in an almighty ball of fire back in 1986 it spewed out tons of radioactive material. This material caused many deaths in the days that followed and rendered the land...
I work 7 AM - 4 PM for five days over seven. I have a 15 minute break in the morning and a 45 minute lunch break. My employer pays me for forty hours - where have the other five hours gone? (5 days X...
Our 7 year old border collie has been off his food for the last few days. Normally he has some cereal and milk in the morning. During the day he has a couple of 'markies' and then a can of meat +...
I have filled in an application form for a job and on the form one of the questions is:-
What do you think about this question?
The missus and I have taken up Greeting Card making as a hobby in our spare time. So far we have only seen the products we need at large crafters fairs and places like HobbyCraft. We have found the...
Does anyone remember the silent man found wandering the streets last year. The authorities discovered he was a dab hand at playing the piano. What happened to him?