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This question is primarily addressed to women but can equally apply to men. If you lost your sex drive, how do you deal with it in terms of your relationship? (Obviously, if you are singe then there...
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2 pints came to £7.40..shocking or what?
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I need to speak to my neighbour tomorrow about her little feckface of a son. Part of what I need to speak to her about is his choice language and use of it to my son. Therefore, not probably the best...
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......without having to click on every photo ?
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I won a crate and luxury chocolate pretzels called 'Big Yum' but the pretzels are not for me the competition was to say 'who would you share them with' I said I would send them out to the troops on...
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Everyone seems to say kick them in the nads.... The schools tell you to report it, (and we'll deal with it) but I think that makes things worse . In my opinion teachers haven't a clue to deal with...
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A friend of mine uses a PAYG dongle for the internet. It's costing him approx. £30 a month. Included in this, o2 says that when a wi-fi signal is detected, it will connect to it and the paid-for...
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Lets face it, we all like to put things in our gobs for comfort. What's your favourite breast substitute ? Mine - Cadbury's Whispa, porridge, Drum Mild, Liquorice root. (Go easy on any obvious...
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I'ts said you can tell a lot about a person by their shoes. I must admit I never look at the shoes. Do you?
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I got an email to this site, Has anyone here ever used it ? '
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The new chocolate Ad, it's really funny
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How soon before a "where is Molls" ???
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when she walks down the stairs we all think Eastenders has just ended...
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Does sleeping with a silk pillowcase really prevent wrinkles and keep your hair smooth? Has anyone tried them? I get really bad bed-head, it's like a ball of frizz in the morning....
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I have my computer set to scan once a week with AVG, should I have it set to scan more often than that? I use my computer almost every day....
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any tips on how i can get between the keys of my keyboard really clean.. TIA

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