last 3 8d a meeting place of lines, roads or parts(4) N- - - 11a to place in a mass of matter(5) I- B- - 24a village in Spain north of Leon rebuilt after its valley was flooded to create a...
10. Who won the Derby in 1964? 13. William Strickland allegedly brought what to Britain from North America? 27. What was Tom Smith from London famous for introducing? 35. Where did the ghost of...
?1000 crossword in yesterday's Sunday Express. I need help with this last one. .......... The clue: William ? An original actor in Shakespeare's plays. 5 letters as follows: K?M? E Thanks..........
I have Googled these questions myself but have just got more confused. 1. Which Irving Berlin musical featured a dream of a white Christmas? 2. What European head of state wears a crown but is not a...
help please 1 across higland games event three words 3,2,3 letters 84 across flag emblem 2 words 4,7 letters 11 down giant bloom 9 letters thanks for any help
Well just about done - with rather more help from here than I like admitting to. Just one more: 19 D Painter's interrupting passable sex slave (7) idolist ?? but can't fully see why
47 down, cooks oil pourer, D?I??L?R, is there such a thing as a DRIZZLER 62 across, Chanted Phrase. M?N?R? 101 down, copy of a style from another era. R?T?O I think this could be RETRO but can't find...
There were three clues I couldn't understand the answer to, would someone please explain: 27a Cricketer, say, succeeded intercepting return of ball. Ans Leg slip. Leg slip =cricketer but can't see how...