My grandson is forever getting head lice at school. We get it sorted and by the time he has been back to schoo; for the week he has them back again. It seems the only time he is free of them is when...
I have a 22 month old toddler called Rudi,he is very big for his age and very advanced.I am totally at my wits end with his eating.I cried today....I have been making all his food since he started on...
My 4 yr old son recently had a cold and was full of snot for a couple of weeks. Although it seems to have cleared up nasaly, his ears seem to still be affected. I find myself repeating what i say...
my son is 14 month's old, soemtimes he will cry for no reason, unless you give him attention. I have tried ignoring him, but he will continue to cry until you give him attention (he does not need...
My wife is expecting our first child in 2 weeks time - there is argument whether to keep the baby in the same room as us for the first few months or to have it literally in the next room but with a...
My son is 31/2 and has developed a nasty habbit of peeing on the floor in every room of the house, going out of his way to do it purposfully. what is going on????