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hi my partner has just found out she is pregnant (4 weeks) she is high risk as she has severe endrometriosis and 2 miscarriages in past, she told her employer yesterday she was pregnant as she...
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hi i'm struggling to cope with my partner's recent state of depression, i'm constantly stressed and upset about how she is feeling, i hate showing i'm worried and trying so hard not to cry in front of...
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hi my partner and i are trying for a baby in the next month and we want a Matchin lucky symbol tattoo so i was thinking of combining this with a tattoo i have always wanted, my horse, i was thinking a...
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Hi, my partner has recently started a job where she uses her car, she only gets 20p a mile but her manager told her that company can claim more but doesnt know how but if we find out can claim 40p per...
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Hi i was assaulted by my friends husband about 6 years ago. it was the yard christmas party and i was staying at the farm house where i had been staying for months, but my friends husband ended up...
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my partner and i have to travel daily to my friends business and has asked us if we'd like to move into her static caravan on site for security and help us out. we just need to know legal implications...

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