Tel.GK 1,076 1A Music popular in Britain in 1970's. 2 words 4 letters each I have ( - l - m - o - k ) 9A Interjection expressing approval o a woman. 1 word of 8 letters. I have ( A - t - - i - - ) Any...
Sunday telegraph GK No. 1,070 16D Obstacle large enough to stop a large military vehicle. 2 words 4 letters each ( Tank - r - - ) 28A Financial gain obtained for nothing. 2 words 5 letters each ( F -...
Sunday Tel. 18D Struggle characterised by heavy blows. 1word 8 letters ( s - - g - e - t ) 20A Complicated and difficult to resolve. 1 word 6 letters ( T - o - n - ) Thanking in anticipation anyone...
21A Two words 9 letters and 4 letters ( E - - -R - I - N ZONE )
24A One word 7 letters ( T - - - e - d )
Thanking anyone who can help. Much appreciated....
2 Clues 8D Homes built in gaps between existing homes. Answer 2 words ( In - - - l housing ) 13A Maintaining very firmly. 9 Letter word. (- -s - s - ing ) Many thanks to anyone who can help....
Can't seem to get the last 2 answers to fit. Can someone help me please with 17 down: American Antelope-like ruminant(9) and 29 across: Extinct volcano on the Island of Hawaii (5,3) Thanks in advance...
18D Robot that can produce intelligent language. 1 word 7 letters. Thanking
anybody that can help. completely stymied. Once again thanking you in anticipation...
Hangman whose name became synonymous with the hangman's job.
2 words 4& 5 ( - a - k - e - - h ) Any help would be most appreciated.
Thanking you in anticipation...