Anagram of "So So Spanner (2 words)"? Tried a few anagram solvers but nothing stood out. Thinking that maybe it's a French food. Some of the others haven't been particularly festive,...
Which is the worse version, the one by Rolf Harris or this one? I must add I cant find a pic of Rolfs one so I haven't seen it. 2001
Well I'm suprised she doesn't put her boot through it! Makes her look like she's straining on the loo. Awful Rolf awful. What do Abers think:
I am always killing my poor house plants, so I went and got myself a rubber plant and a dragon tree which are supposedly hard to kill!!! Pah!! My rubber plant is not looking so hot these days, it was...
hi can anyone tell me what the song is called in the new honda advert, were a man is driving different honda cars, bikes and a boat, a line to this song is"dream the impossable...
15a low dam built across a river ---r 16a scientific study of soil in relation to crop production a-r-l--- 37a small bone of the wrist that articulates with the thumb t-a----u- 15d industrial town of...
last two questions, 119 down. have a consequence (6) 34 down. hard-up, in tricky situation (2,3,5) this crossword seems to go on forever thanks in advance
What is your favourite box of chocolates and which one in that box is your favourite....Mine is Minature heroes and i always go for the crunchie ones first!
43 across . goes through words again (7) 109 across .rice dish (5) 111 down .most stern or rigorous (9) 57 down. greek (8) thanks in advance, thanks coyn for advice