We mated our Shar-Pei seven weeks ago.It wasn't great.We want to know how should a dog look at 7 weeks. She has slightly enlarged teats at the back but no swollen tum or anything. can you help please...
Hi everyoneI really could do with some help/advice, I saw a magpie attacking this baby pigeon it almost died so i saved it and brought it home no sign of its mother, it was bleeding under the wing but...
I have a seven year old jack russell, who for some reason has started to act very weirdly. For no reason at all he has started following me all over the house. Whenever i get up to go to the toilet or...
I know that there are no snakes in Ireland but whilst I was there my dog was bitten by something.. His leg swelled up a lot and he was limping on it for the whole of yesterday, he also looked...
Has anyone else let down their parents that always wanted you to be a doctor lawyer etc. or take over the family lace hankie factory. yet you dug your heels in and did your own things? My dad taught...