Here we are. Open for appropriate captions?
"God, If this is what Charles will look like on bank notes when he's King..."...
Thank you to everyone who responded to my thread about my little grandson not hearing properly. Sadly the little man passed away yesterday, suspected cot death. He was only 4 months old. As you can...
Hiya .. Mr C and I, are thinking of a Carribean Holiday next year to celebrate our 25 wedding anniversary... but know nothing about the carribean, so we've started looking at different places, but...
Hello... Had a meal once... where I ordered olives .. cured meats.. etc as a starter... there was a little dish that came with it, that had balsamic vinigar & olive oil in it.. to dunk your bread in.....
Off to NYC. My partner has never been. Has anyone got any favourite restaurants or things to see or do which are not the usual sights, things which surprised or interested them ? For example, last...
going on holiday with my daughter ,son in law & 2 year old granddaughter, we are renting a cottage and hiring a car and I say I should pay a third of the total cost but my son in law says I should pay...
Taking mum in law away for a few days.. in a few weeks time.. she's a regular church go-er... hubby & I aren't.. would a Choral Evensong service be suitable for her to go to..and not too ''heavy'' for...
Does anyone know, if you can leave luggage securely at Bath Railway station?.. going for a few nights soon.. but as per.. we need to be out of the hotel by 11..and don't plan to get a train home til...
Mother in law has just noticed the engine management light has come on on the dash.. she has 96 Proton Savvy.. its driving ok, can she drive it home, and to the garage?,both journeys are about 5...
Just treated myself & Mr C to electric toothbrushes... great bargain... 2 for the price of 1... in Boots if anyone needs one...what I was wondering, do you Floss,or brush first? Does it matter??......
Just cooked a turkey crown in the slow cooker.. its made loads of lovely stock... will the stock freeze? or how long will it keep when cooled?..TIA everyone.. hope your all having a fab christmas..Luv... How many of you still give Christmas tips, if you do, who do you give them to...
I am just booked a three night break away, the problem is all the catteries are booked up and I don't have anyone to take care of my cat. My dilemma is do I leave him at home and leave a big bag of...
Hi everyone.. I'm in the south west... and looking into the night sky now.. there's just a bit of light left.. there's a very bright star.. I think I'm looking towards the west,.. anyone know what I'm...
i was waiting at a temporary traffic lights near some water mains works on my way home just now a young man was walking his dog - and i don't mean a lap dog, i mean a hound...big as a donkey if you...
That's done it !! Have to have two teeth out tomorrow at 2pm, one is a wisdom tooth top left and the other is a tooth bottom right close to back. Better have a good dinner in case I can't eat...
Could you check your profiles for me please? Are you getting 20 answers per page? The right number of answers appearing in lists. Does everything work as...