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16d 'Baron with this old whiff, say, could be ennobling' ('this' in italics). I have ?ONGNINE. Have I got something wrong?
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1a Revolutionary class starts to run command as before HE?S?E. I think 'heaste' (obs. for 'hest'), but would be happier if I could find an r(un) in it!
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If 'wobbly infants' are 'jelly babies', what are 'birthday party', 'rewarded leaders' and 'hand flowers'?
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Is everyone else missing the Review section containing the crosswords today?
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1d 'Twisted small wings'. I have W?U?D? Obvious answer is WOUNDS (twisted + s(mall)). But what has 'wounds' to do with 'wings'? (Wounds and Wings is the name of an American band, formed by Sarx and...
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28a Deil forseeing e.g. calamity wi' holy books. ?IENT.
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Poetry in 'clewing'!
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23d With nothing flowing, this issue could be serious. ?RES?S. I have uresis, but don't see how 'serious' comes into it...
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Last letter. 26d.Pretty much qualified knight as one who inherits? (4). I have ?EEK. Assume 'meek' (as in 'the meek shall inherit the earth') and short 'mee(t)' (qualified less the T) + k(night). Is...
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29d. Grinder:one molar plays this role. I assume it is 'mano' (maize grinder, but don't understand the molar part.
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23d A lot of energy shown by army officer in engraving. I have?INCO.
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23d Spirit found in egg sandwiches. ?N?I?E. Engine (as in 'genius'? Or is there a nit in there somewhere?
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17a Sculptor in the manner that incorporates regular feature of his work! ?OORE. I assume Henry MOORE, but why? A hole in more?
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4a Work round opening for boot in box that keeps one's feet out of sight. ?O? B?I?Y. Do I have something wrong?
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25a 'Ultimate yen to capture revolutionary through lack of experience'. Naively, but why?
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Has anyone completed this? Downloaded it this afternoon, and have struggled to fill 40% of the grid (lots of scribblings in margins!). Now am at a complete standstill. Have checked AB for others who...
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Last couple of letters: 18d Past theatrical backer finally 40% down, one to make money from South Pacific. PA?N?A. Pa'anga is Tonga money, but don't understand the clue.
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I think I have finished it, but do not understand the clue construction in 26d:'Sort of collector anxious having losing article for good'. E?GER. I have 'egger' (collector), but can anyone explain the...
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Last letter:13a Short-story writer is a tease for the most part. SA?I. I only know of Saki, but can't make sense of the rest of the clue.
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Last one: 18d Insecticide found in Indiand sandwich reportedly. I have NOM?NON? I must have something wrong...

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