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32a Sailor gets round, sitting it would this? S?A ?O?T. Presumably 'sea port', but why?
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Any Geniuses out there? Complicated one, but in starred clues,' cryptic indications omit reference to parts of the answers to be entered: these parts should be shaded in to reveal the name of the 9...
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Last letter: 24a 'Once in prostitution good time is fogotten'. ?EAME. Have I a letter wrong? Also, I have 21d ' Priest avoiding meal on Sabbath, goes off' as REISTS - but I don't understand the loss...
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4d Italian chap has switched half of set. D?R?O. I assume 'Dario', but why?
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20a How to make join in stringed instrument. B?N?O. Must be 'banjo', but why?
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My last one now! 33a Token journal and mesdemoiselles' fashion. ?IT?ON. I assume 'ton' for French fashion at the end, but can't get it!
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20a Moonshine purveyor's very real trembling during police operation. S?AR?E?ING. Must be 'starveling' (anag. v-real inside sting), but why?
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50a What book goes into fielding positions? S?I? C?V?R. Is the consensus 'slip cover'?
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I'm still struggling with a few this week! 27d' Knight one's seen inside, certainly up on the weather'. I have ?EIEY. Something must be wrong!
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50a A pair of animals, impala on safari? A?A?R?M. A-nag-ram fits, but can anyone explain?
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32a 'Poet Laureate with this helping could make strong material'. I have PI?ING, so 'piling'? I have 'span' for 30d ('Wife in health farm went up and down'), but don't see why 'wife' should be an N. I...
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Stumped: have I got something wrong? 18d: Sense trouble about a result of substantial accident (8, three words) - I hate these without specified word-lengths, especially when they may be elided...
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Last letter driving me nuts: 30d This is essential to Indian escort in revolution. SE?A. Sena?
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29a Hesitation about volunteers getting idle mostly? Fee could be the answer. R?T?I?E?. If 'retailed', includes all of idle; if 'retailer', where does final 'r' come from?
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2d Stuck one's neck out when split in two, for example (8). Why is the answer 'anagrams'?
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33a' Probed a case with sergeant' . I have ended up with ?ERST - a funny set of letters even for the Mephisto, but can't see where I am wrong.
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Advice, please! I retrieved a copy of the Telegraph from my father-in-law's bin this morning and have been attempting the EV for the first time this afternoon. I complete the Times crossword every...
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51d' May 15th, for example? Bet this happens!'. Odds or Ides?
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Stumped by 16d:First of drives having split flag, one's driven into hole. I have ?R?F?A?N.
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Last letter: 18a Quickly leaving street on inclement weather HAIL?. I assume 'haily', but what 'quickly'-y is a street? Alle (gro) -y?

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