I'M EITHER GETTING SENILE, OR THE QUESTIONS ARE GETTING MORE OBSCURE! HELP PLEASE! 1. Old settler got his cocktail after six (8) (f)*S***** 2. Here service clothing is included (6) (f)orces ?...
help please. 1. reptile in bag a man carried 5 a???a 2 often,so to speak,inside the pale 7 a???m?? 3 hammer and polish metal.following design is hard 7 ...
1. ? is there a chocolate called wicked, the clue is very bad 2. chief one. 7 the next three, I dont know which answer fits which clue, 3. hard to see. 8 4. nearly dusk. 8 5. ...... serenade 9....
The three bears were sitting down to eat their porridge. It should have been a happy family occasion, but it soon became apparent to everyone that something was wrong. "Who's been eating my...
1. She displayed evidence of marriage after father found something fishy (5,7) _ R _ S _ / H _ _ R _ _ _ 2. More fictional place (6) _ _ O _ I _ 3. Grand journalist in...
Thankyou everyone you are magic. Answers are all fabrics or clothing materials How about these 1. Wears well although defeated. 7 2 The tup's after the sailor's drink 7 3 Make adavances to...