answers are a word that can go before or after home to make a new word or phrase 9 of the first order, yet last somehow 15 i follow gang to the french 23 youve got to move , petal 33 start with easy...
Thank you once again Ab's for your help. I have managed to answer number 5 myself since posting the question. I am telling you this so that you do not wrack your brains unnecessarily. Just need...
22d.they could be parralel or uneven in the pubs(4)-a-s
16d.converted,i ran and led the way to the'island of saints and scholars'(7)i-e-a--
27a.drop or slash the credit charges(5)--t-h
Some help with the following, please! Just 4 more left to finish this one which is much easier than the last one! DOWN 2 How one expresses regret to the listener concerning concert halls: ?A?A 22 The...
13a Indian city covering half the land (4) - G - A Looks like AGRA, but I can't see then connection. 16d Oliver or Adam? G - L - S - I - H Almost certainly Goldsmith, but where does Adam come in?...
Can anyone please help me with these few questions.19 Steep rock on the right bank of the river Rhine in Germany where a siren allegedly lured boatmen to their death. 23. Another name for mercury. 28....
Stuck on last 2 - totally bamboozled. 13D (9)Town house in Nepal demolished A?EL?OO?N and 27AC (8) American criminal perhaps mostly stayed in one empty residence ???ES?EE - I had at first thought the...
this could take you away - 6 letters; the place for an argument - 6, 4 letters; seen on the beach - 6 letters - all answers are forms of transport. Help please