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Quite surprised to be the first one here. A daunting preamble for sure, but I decided just to start solving and see where it got me. A lovely series of penny drops later, a satisfying solve. Thanks...
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Absolutely incredible feat to make the set of statements apply both to the numbers and their associated entries. Unfortunately for me, though, I can't see a solution. Having reached an impasse, I...
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No, I am not a genius - the simple truth is that the puzzle was put up on the Times website this morning, albeit originally without a title or setter. New theme to me, and some difficult clues, but...
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A gentler test than last week, that's for sure. The penny dropped with most of the right hand side of the grid filled - a nice treatment of a familiar theme.
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listener 4460...
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Great fun, thank you Serpent. We filled the lower half with little difficulty but had a struggle to complete the 'upper part'. Definitely one for the men this time. It was more difficult than last...
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After quite a long grid stare the light has just dawned - with a smile, of course. When will I learn to read the preamble more carefully! We found some of Malva's clues quite a challenge but are going...
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I made heavy weather of this at first, and admired the way some of the misprints were quite deviously hidden. I was lucky in the end-game, spotting a likely anagram which turned out to be correct: I'm...
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Absolutely first rate! Thanks, Nemo! The construction is quite amazing, especially when one considers how hard it must have been to insure a unique solution. The amount of thematic material in the...
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A nice puzzle, with a decent sprinkling of straightforward clues to get one started. I was lucky in getting the last few acrosses and the first few downs at an early stages, and that gave me a great...
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What a fabulous puzzle by Oyler and a superb tribute to the original Rhombus - delightful. I sat in trepidation when checking that the perimeter values were perfect squares - and was relieved to find...
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We've spent almost as long grid staring as grid-filling and breathed a massive sigh of relief when the penny (or something) finally dropped. This has been by far the toughest so far this year. Thanks...
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The year is still young, and already we have a new setter: welcome, Atlas. I found this trickier than I expected, with some of the incorrect letters hard to spot even when I had the entry, and...
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We really struggled with the method of entry until the message helped us. Thank you to Schadenfreude for a really challenging first puzzle of the year.
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A lovely bit of fun for the last of the year. Thanks to Lavatch
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Thank goodness for the message, as it allowed me to correct a couple of mistakes in my modification of the grid! Thanks, Harribobs, that was fun....
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Apologies if I've missed the thread ... but I'm hoping there's a misprint in 5 down. Surely it should be ZJTT?...
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I was a bit later than usual getting started (shopping -- AARGH!) so was glad to find a reasonably straightforward puzzle from Ferret. Thank you, that was fun....
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I don't suppose you'd believe me if I said I'd had to break off to cook the supper, so I'll confess that with most issues resolved and the highlighting done I had two irritating letters still to enter...
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I really enjoyed this one. I was held up a bit in the north-east corner at stage one, got my coloured pens out to keep track of what had to be preserved at stage two, had a chuckle at the elegance of...

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