I thought things were going well until I ground to a halt in the top right corner -- even having the theme identified didn't help me much. Finally got there, though. I hadn't come across the poem...
That was quite a workout! Unlike several recent Listeners where an early guess at the theme helped a lot with the gridfill, this time I could not tackle the endgame until I had worked my way through...
I thought I might be in for a bit of grid-staring, but the penny dropped after about half an hour. The amount of thematic material and the construction of the messages is most impressive. A worthy...
Another pleasant puzzle, with unambiguous clues and a pretty, if straightforward, end-game. Thanks to Little Hare, both for the puzzle and for sending me back to the source of the message....
Nice straightforward clues, and a theme that never fails to raise a smile. Familiarity with the theme, guessed early, made is possible to see where some clashes were going to be before both...
Thanks, Emu, for a well-constructed homage a great work of art. Not among the more difficult Listeners, but that does not detract from its excellence. I assume the ambiguity of one of the abbreviated...
That was a lot of fun. It took me longer than it should have to spot what was going on in the Group B clues, even though I had seen what the instruction told me to do elsewhere. Many thanks, Harpy,...
I didn't even think of trying to fit the entries into the grid until I had cold-solved all but six. A couple of false starts, but as usual with this sort of puzzle once a few had slotted together the...
What a nicely clued and thematically amusing start to the year. We laughed at the phrase. Many thanks to Kruger. A Happy New Year to all our fellow AB threaders.
I'm surprised that there isn't a thread up for this yet. (Apologies if there is one) I started on it this afternoon, having only returned to the UK this morning. Just a couple of loose ends to tie up,...
A very entertaining and well-constructed puzzle. Hard to believe how much the setter fit into such a small space. One minor quibble. The thematic subject of the puzzle, as described by its Wikipedia...
I did enjoy the way the thematic material all slotted together, however I think the obscurity of some of the geographical references was pushing the boundaries of fair play rather. Thanks Salamanca....
Apologies if there is another thread.
Nothing for the "numberphobes" to be scared of. Logical with only a bit of Excel at the start and some spadework at the end.
Enjoyable - thanks Kea....
Anything I say will set off yet another argument about easy and hard Listeners, so I'll leave it at thanking Piccadilly for a brief spell of entertainment....
Well I suppose it's possible that I've gone a little wrong somewhere (made a couple of mistakes in counting in the across clues first time round, for instance), although I don't think that the...
The grid fill was not as hard as I had expected, as spotting the treatment of the holes was a great help. I'm sure I'll have mucked up the last step, however, as i'm in the "good walk ruined" camp....