17 a, a device for making a shrill high-pitched sound . w?i?t?e 19 a ,one of a breed of large gun dogs that can be trained to recover game . a??r?e?e? 21 a ,all the members of a family group over...
8 down scots word meaning to work messily . to splash about or a mess . s?a?s?e? 27 down shoe i confused turns out to be scots heave or lift up . h?i?e . is it hoise
13 across any plant such as jerusalem artichoke etc ?e?i?n?h?s 23 across it proposes that every even number greater than 2 is the sum of 2 primes ?o?d?a?h?c?n?e?t?r? 41 across english physician after...
9 down . large usually brightly coloured goose-like duck of the old world such as the common ?h??d?c? 35 across in linguistics the smallest component of a word that has semantic meaning . m?r??e?e