I am a 25 year old vietnamese american man living in california and I have a fiancee who I was introduced to by family when I visited vietnam last time. I was supposed to marry her this summer and she...
My daughter will be starting school in September (!) - i know, how did that happen?? Now we have an offer of a place (not first choice, but c'est la vie) it's all begnning to feel rather real. any...
I wonder what will be in the News (or probably banned) in 2026? http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3574263/Women-not-allowed-travel-48-miles-without-male-chaperone-says-British-Muslim-group.html...
During one of the few brief sunny intervals today, I was lucky enough to see some of these, close to where I Live. Their food plants where the eggs are laid for the larvae to develop are members of...
Have had problems recently with spots round my mouth and lower cheeks (and arms and shoulders but they are less visible) and am having difficulty in getting rid of them, if anyone has any good...
For several months, I have been attempting to free my friend from internet bullies who have been blackmailing her into sending nudes, changed her profile pic to that of a Nazi symbol, with the threat...
I cant imagine a Italian or French woman going to a ladies day looking like some of this lot....
does it mean more poles showing up over here for free abortions and more poles migrating to the u.k, seems like a bad idea to possibly ban abortion, cases of rape, serious physical handicaps, genetic...
If, like me, you thought evolution took aeons then think again. I read that because we put out food all year, some Blackcaps are staying here through the winter instead of flying to the med. So the...
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3342537/Parents-legal-action-school-forced-Muslims-pray-OUTSIDE.html Surely schools cannot allow this disruption to cater for the religious oddities of some...
Due to being a very fussy eater my niece is very underweight. She cries when she sees a meal put in front of her. She prefers to pick at little pieces of fruit cheese carrot sticks etc. She wont sit...