Most of my friends and myself turn 30 this/next year and we want to go somewhere to celebrate. Originally we were looking at somewhere over seas but due to circumstances arising we have decided to...
Anyone out there living alone who has questioned an extortionate water bill and been told you're using enough water for a family of five? Seems to be a stock response from water companies to try and...
A neighbor.....and her neighbor stand by the front door and smoke many times a day. With the lovely weather we have been having our sitting room smells awful from their smoke so we keep closing the...
Hello I need advice. I have a friend who I know is committing benefit fraud in that he doesn’t declare a lot of his income and has privately rented out his council flat (@ a profit I might add) He... A bit close to home as it was on an open Q&A site. We're lucky on here as the site is very well monitored. Should all sites enjoy the same...
Had news yesterday Mr cuppa and myself are going to be Great Grandparents in the not too distant future. Getting old has some compensations.
Just a tad excited!...
I'm not happy today. I phoned my GP surgery this morning to get a repeat of the medication I've been on for a while (diazepam) and was told I'd "need to make an appointment as there was a note on the...
I am writing my biography.I was started along this road,after a Facebook conversation with my two grandsons,it soon developed into a lifetime story,and up to the present I have penned some 70,600...
Hi I am new to eBay and sold 1 item so far, £4.99 plus P&P. I now see I have an email from eBay I'm fairly new to eBay and so far sold 1 single item for £4.99 plus PP. .....why then are eBay billing...
Anyone know of a good product which will restore whiteness to clothes? I have a favourite white pure cotton skirt I have had for years but is now rather dingy looking. Many thanks.
Every year we have a terrible problem with ants in the house. Sometimes they have even come up in the MIDDLE room in the house. We had a new kitchen installed a few years ago, and when we took the old...
I've never had swollen ankles before til this last 2 weeks. I have been to the GP and had my BP and heart rate checked. I also had a blood test 2 days ago and heard nothing back. My poor feet feel so...
I've been given responsibility of arranging a good friends hen night. All last minute due to unfortunate circumstances. Then hen night is this coming Friday and there will be approx 20 women going, it...
Friday afternoon went shopping in my local supermarket and was minding my own business when some impatient woman barged into me. I mumbled:- 'Please excuse me would suffice' and I was met with a...
In the afternoon the "girls" will be having hair and nails done and generally having fun. In the evening the celebrations move to a posh venue. I am invited but, will let the young ones get on and...