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Watching Ch4 at the moment, these two guys have to be the least funniest people in mainstream TV. Neither are clever or witty, and from a hetrosexual point of view, not in the least bit handsome. I...
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whilst sliding down the banister, hands free i might add, i appear to have picked up a painfull splinter, any ideas on how to extract it,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?
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My boyf is lovely in so many ways and i'm very happy with him. One thing i'd love is for him to have more of the grrr factor towards me, we kiss and cuddle so much and he's incredibly affectionate and...
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What county does everyone live in (or state etc...), thought it'd be interesting to see how geographically spread we are as lots of people seem to live in the same areas. Just give the one you live...
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I spilt baileys on my beige carpet last night , i didnt clean it up very well because I didnt think it would stain as it was the same colour as the carpet, this morning when I got up I could see the...
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Instead of me going to their respective websites, can any ABer's give me a quick synopsis of both Eastenders and Coronation Street. I have not seen either since the day before Christmas Eve. Thank...
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I went to a xmas party at my friends house 2 nights ago and met up with loads of people i hadn't seen for ages which was very cool. Anyway, all of a sudden someone else turned up who i used to work...
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santa gave me a new chair to use at my desk. and it goes up and down , its fabulous .does yours go up and down ?
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hello everyone its my first time on ere n i need help?? im supposed to be getting married nxt year(way hey!!) but i have a prob with one thing or another mine and my fiance's family are kind of at war...
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Hi, just wondered what your most useless present was? Normally, everything i receive i can use and am really grateful. But this year, my other half got me.....a car manual!! I mentioned to him that...
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Hu guys - not been on here for a while what with moving house etc.Anyway,to cut a long story short,I arranged the most wonderful present for my boyfriend for Xmas.I flew him to Manchester to see Man...
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we get all those adverts, for magazines offering to build a space shuttle in 52 weekly issues, or collect the 5th armoured tank division ..................just 52 to collect what would you like to...
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Say someone comes knocks on my front door and I want them to leave, but they wont. So I throw cold water at them... What is the worst that could happen to me (according to the law)? I could understand...
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Did anyone have them knocking on your door's on Christmas Day? We did. They descended in our area about 11am. Ok ,they dont celebrate Christmas but why do they feel the need to force their belief's on...
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anybody else working today? i am , and i have lost my voice, feel sick and my ears are blocked, tra la la la merry christmas
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i started chatting to a man on a chatroom years ago and have developed a very close relationship with him, we used to text, email or messenger many times a day. it was very exiting and i think i fell...
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I am cooking pork today and I was wondering, how long is it safe to keep any leftover pork (Its a big joint so I would imagine there would be leftovers)????
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This year's Queen's Speech included footage from a Mosque. Channel 4's alternative Queen's Speech was by a veiled Muslim. The good old British Christmas is virtually a thing of the past for fear of...
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If I could grant you all just one wish for 2007 what would it be?

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