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can anyone tell me what number page the sammy squirrel is on please. i have searched through it 4 timesw and can't find it. thanks for any replys
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I am having a mince beef and onion pie tonight with potatoes....i have sweet potato,parsnip and carrots.......can i use anythin to marinade them whilst cooking--im lookin for a change?
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Further to my last post, anyone familiar with it ? I think it's great
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Wots ya favey one ? Mines tw@t, LOVE it, but absolutely can't stand the C one, under any circumstances
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I'm 45, and going through the menopause :o( I have 2 questions 1. Is it normal for your sex drive to go thru the roof ? and 2. Why am I having the strongest,most intense orgasms ever ? Please don't...
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a la phill colins LOL, 68 aparently an hes still in a creme puff. Men!
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Has anyone on here had dealings with Emm-Bee Caravans Ltd as we are thinking of buying a motorhome from them but as they are about 4 hours away we do not know what sort of reputation they have?
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When I get one,it goes horrible and blistered with a red patch about 8 inches round it where my skin goes hard an burning,and really itchy. I have antihistamines and put anthisan on,but nothing works....
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Posted a quezzy on B & S about them,but as yet no replies. Would anyone care to pop over and have a look pls ?
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Just been to Albania and had a Magnum. It was luvly,it had a layer of fruity stuff under the chocolate. It said Karadut & Bogurtlen on the wrapper,anyone know wot it says,and in what language ?
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If u were told the exact same thing was gonna happen to ya by two mediums, wot would u think ?
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Is it true what I've heard that some people have 'something' missing in them that makes coriander taste like poison ? It does to me, even the tiniest bit in the strongest curry I can detect and makes...
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With a real woman! I am not short of things to say but lets hear your best "pick up" lines, cheers
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Does anyone know anything about it, or have experience of it ? My sister has been saying for a while now that she thinks I may have it x
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Does anyone know anything about it ? My sister has been saying for long enough she thinks I may have it. Help please x
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....a white flag, I posted completely innapropriately a couple of weeks ago giving away far too much personal stuff. Was way out of character and I was lambasted for it, and rightly so. Am I forgiven...
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I really must be, to think that I could get serious answers to a real problem I have. I am a woman who is 46 in July, but apparantly I am seen on here as a juvenile, called Legend (whoever he/she is)...
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I post a question earlier about me being noisy during sex, and u both sed my partner was a jammy git. Why, and wot did u mean ?
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It has reached my attention that I am excessively noisy whilst having sex, my new partner puts his hand over my mouth. I can't help it, i am lost in pleasure, is he wrong or am I ? x My ex preferred...
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Go / send someone for some feminax tablets ul be right in no time bit spaced out but not in pain xx

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