I've spent a few hours packing up, nothing too strenuous but am feeling dizzy now each time I bend down to pick up things. I stumbled a bit as in lost my balance when stood still. Weird feeling, not...
My cousin lost almost all of the hair on her head over a 6week period. Docs say following a virus her hair follicles have "gone to sleep". She has had 2 treatments with what I think she...
My b/friend just described someone as"she's got a face like a bulldog chewing a wasp", while never having heard this expression I wondered its' origin?
Hope you are keeping well hunni, cant get a good connection when we're at at our new place, so just wanted to say hello whilst back down here and g'bye loads of loves for the future :n) xoxo
My b/f has been offered a permanent contract and has gone out to get a Chinese take out. I haven't had an alcolic drink for 3 weeks so have opened a cherry lambrini :n)
The 3 noobies? I don't like any of the new housemates yet. Andrew is trying so hard but has become leery, I can't understand a word the tall girl says I forget her name, and Keeley reminds me of zoe...