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If a couple have sex for the first time using a condom in theory does that still make them virgins?
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Sorry, bit of a gross subject. I recently had a long-standing verucca treated and supposedly removed at the chiropodist. I took about 5 trips to her. Anyway, the last time I went she said it's all...
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Can a female get pregnant with twins by two different fathers? If so what is the time frame in which this can happen? A week? A month? This is also with having the babies at the same time.
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Further to a previous question asked by someone else, Is it actually possible to knock someone unconscious by giving them a sharp blow to the top of the back ? (just below the neck) like you see...
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Do blind persons dream, I believe they do though not in the same way that sighted people do. Does anyone know if there has been research into this & if so where could I find it.......spinner.
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I suffer from small pimples on the upper parts of my arms.  They are not spots.  I have heard that this is common and may be connected to circulation.  Has anyone heard of any over the...
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There's a girl I see on my bus to work whom I'd like to approach, but do not wish to appear creepy.  Any ideas on how to strike up a conversation without getting a restraining order put out on...
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I am currently writing a novel and I am doing some research on taking an overdose with aspirin to the point where you do survive and not die from it. I feel that this is a very sensitive subject and...
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im 17 years old going on 18 and i havent had my periods since round about december theyv always kinda been months spread apart but now im worried because theres no way im pregnant. im to embarassed to...
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What is the average breast size for a 14 year old girl who weighs 105 lbs

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