i have a very beautiful ,good and faithful wife but i always want to look for casual sex when she is just away. are there other people like me, is this normal
I have just opened the newspaper and yet again a sickening sight of someone hanging a puppy. I know what I would like to do to these people and I am sure others would too. My question is. WHY do...
Ooh, its a bit daunting writing this..... i "signed up" a while ago on here, but upto now all ive done is watch the Topics. Well its about time i made myself heard. HELLOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! xxxx I live in...
Guys, gals, what are your views? For example, by day, you're lucky if I even manage mascara, but, depending on my mood, by night I have been known to get really glammed up. Always on the eyes though,...
Hi, I am late coming on my period and not on the pill, have taken 2 superdrug home pregnancy tests but came back negative. are the branded tests more accurate than shops own?
Just booked a holiday to Cyprus - leaving next Wed 28th. Fourteen days to laze, sunbathe, swim, walk, read, listen to music, story tapes, eat, drink & be merry - very merry!