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how or why did you name your pet i have a cat called buster because as a kitten he was fat a cat cat called ( dustypuss ) as he is dusty colored act called sheba looks like the cat on the Sheba advert...
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Friday 13th, eh? I'm not superstitious mysef but does it bother any of you? Anyone got any nice plans for the weekend? I have to work unfortunately but only for part of the days at least.
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Since Sky were true to their word and connected me yesterday, I finally got onto FB and subsequently Yoville. First place I headed to - the pub. I sat for a few minutes watching the half a dozen...
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...get in the ring and go toe to toe. Basically fcuk them up!
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EngTeach posted a question this morning asking (amongst other things) if you'd met another ABer. But it was just Yes or No. Will anyone admit which other ABer they've met?
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Are you an aunty yet?
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cheated, came close to cheating or would never cheat on your current partner?
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But unfortunately no baby.....yet!!
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will anybody consciously make any emendations to their daily safety in a few days, or it is simply a load of old weey pants?
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who hates kissing??? seriously there has to be someone else out there like me
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...from Lisa's post. Phone mobile phone does everyone have? I have the Nokia 6300 extra_pic/Nokia%206300%20(2).jpg its the best phone ive ever had. Dont...
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have a fancy ring tone for their mobile phone?
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Morning all you lovely people , rise and shine , the sun's out , has been since about 3.30 this morning actually . Hope you are all well , apologies to bensmum btw :-) xxxxxxxxx
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Morning beejay ! Lovely one here again - just a shame that I have to be indoors all day. Have a great day everyone XX
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due to late appearance of bensma and bigmamma--hope both are ok-thought i had better get the ball rolling- nice weather in county antrim--have a good day all
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Monday again but at least the sun's shining. Don't have to start work so early today so making the most of the extra time. Have a good day everyone
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The folks who feel the need to bitch and moan about the fact that people are on Yoville. What's wrong with them? Are they annoyed the limelight isn't on them for once? The very fact that we aren't...
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Think I am starting to get the hang of it apart from the talking to people bit. I'm sure it said on it earlier that you can sell the furniture you don't want. Anyone know how I do that? Thanks. daffi...
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Ok, maybe I am a bit thick, but I can't work out this YoVille thing. I have made my character and decorated my living room, now what do I do? Please someone explain in simple terms how it works and...
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For ages lastnight I kept thinking 'where the hell do I know him from' I remember seeing him before and thinking he looked like an overmuscley joey. And its clicked this morning he was on Ant and Decs...

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