I hope someone here can help me out with installation of my new mouse. I just bought a new Razer Diamondback 3G mouse and i'm trying to use it on a Vista system,all the documents that came with the...
My daughter is due to have her baby very soon but it looks like she will be a week or so early as her waters broke today during a visit to the doctor.She has gone to the maternity unit as it is policy...
Does anyone else here play this? Have you or anyone you know ever managed to solo a White Mage to level 75? I am attempting it and it is hard going to say the least! I would welcome any tips from...
http://www.careconfidential.com/Services/FreeC lothes.aspx I was just given this link via email so thought I would pass it on in case anyone here needs their services. :-)
http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/asia-pacific/ 7421259.stm Its a shame the person who wrote the article calls the puss a tabby,it is so obviously a tortie and white! lol She reminds me of a cat I used...
Hello lovely people :-) I need some fashion advice to help me not look like mutton dressed as lamb this summer. I am wanting to buy some summer dresses but am unsure what type to buy for my age etc. I...
Why do some painkillers work better on certain types of pain than on others? For example: I take Tramadol for pain I have had since having a lung operation and they work well for that,but if I have a...
To any Americans that use this site..............can you tell me if the American accent of Hugh Laurie in the TV programme House is believeable please. As a Brit I think he genuinely sounds American...
One of my pet hates is children who swear! I had to sit and listen to my next door neighbour(20 year old female) sitting in her back yard teaching her young nephew to swear today,he is a little sweet...
Has anyone here seen the new and improved Friends Reunited site? Now that it is free will you be using it more(or at all)? I quite like the new format they have and have already been in touch with one...
In the event that a car parked on a pavement (leaving just over 2ft of space between the car and a wall on the pavement side) was accidentally damaged by a wheelchair user passing by on the pavement,...
Hi Ethel,and anyone else who answers my question. I keep getting fake Ebay emails asking about laptop computers.I have never bought or sold a laptop on Ebay,in fact i've never owned a laptop. I know...
I noticed a question in the health and fitness section from FunkyMouse to say she was in labour and have seen no other posts since,has anyone heard from her? I wonder if the labour continued or not...
This isn't a question but I just had to post this link to the cutest thing in the newspapers all week! http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles /news/news.html?in_article_id=563068&in_page_i...
http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/7376919.stm I'm not sure why they want exclusive rights to the name on the island of Lesbos when everyone knows it as a term to describe women who are attracted to...
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/femail/a rticle.html?in_article_id=561547&in_page_id=18 79 Women wear shaping underwear all the time so would you men do it to? I have to say,it's not the most...
Hello everyone. I am looking into buying a new PS3 and need advice on what I should be looking for exactly.Which hard drive size should I get,what leads come with it and will I need to buy any leads...