What age should women stop having children? I think this woman is being very selfish and has only considered her wants and needs,not those of the child she is...
I need some suggestions to stop me having to kill my other half because of his snoring. I am sick to death of having to get up in the night and come downstairs to sleep on the recliner :( I have tried...
What do all the AB users who lived through the 80's think of the current trend for wearing the awful fashions that were around back then? Will any of you be going all retro and dragging out your harem... s/Life39s-hectic-for-Blackpool-mother.5095510. jp Stories like this make me so angry. Why would anyone keep having kids when they know they can't...
I just found out my fiance's father caught MRSA during a stay in hospital and he is now being treated at home with antibiotics and some sort of skin lotion. My question is: do I need to see my doctor...
My stepson has asked for an external hard drive for his birthday and I am looking for recommendations. It is for a laptop (if that makes any difference) and needs to be at least 250gb. I have my eye...
My eldest daughter has been mentally ill for several years and was diagnosed with borderline personality disorder a few years ago.She cuts herself when she is feeling particularly bad and has been...
Would it be possible to add a message to the top of the Technology section (similar to the one in Body and Soul) about the usage and discussion of software used to illegally download music and films... s/ I think the man concerned is bonkers...I do hope it works out for him though and he manages to make enough from his...
Somebody the other day was looking for the above ^^^ I just found some mittens/gloves for adult females on the Joe Browns site..........are these any good...
I didn't know it was possible to tell the gender of a foetus so early in a pregnancy. My daughter had her dating scan last week and she is 13 weeks +3 days.The sonographer said that the baby is...
I recently had my shoulder length hair cut very short and now I can't use the straighteners I have.Has anyone got any advice as to which would be the best straighteners for short hair? They need to be...