Now i had too change my name on AB sometime ago not for any underhanded reson, so here goes see if you can remember or find my last name, one of the Q i asked was: why when you have just done the...
actually use the character 'fag ash lil' in the little stories he used to tell or was it actually apricot lil as other users have suggested? i can't find a youtube link where Larry actually says Fag...
I never understood how the self confessed troll was allowed to post but it appears she has gone now , not before time she bragged about enough. She got just a bit to cocky for her boots last night...
Recently a couple of discussions have flared up in The AnswerBank regarding site rules and uncodified guidelines. Like many sites The AnswerBank has a strict and sensible set of rules which is shored...
Last one to get - please can anyone help me solve this anagram TUMULTSMINCERAINS - there is no number of letters in the words and anagram can apply to Xmas meals, presents, decorations or anything to...
Morning Everyone, I hope we're all well. I wondered if many, or any, of you watch Question Time on Thursdays? This week's line-up: Lord Falconer Theresa May MP Clare Short MP George Galloway Melanie...
Another late night "punchup" http://www.theanswerb...k/Question858898.html Whether it is an early morning fracas, an afternoon fracas or a late evening fracas, there is a core, a nucleus of...