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Hi does anyone know how long you need to have left on your UK passport if you are travelling to Spain? Is it the normal 6 months or is it less due to being EU? Seems the passport and foreign office...
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Hi All, Does anyone know when the new series of Nip Tuck starts and will it be on Sky 1? Many thanks, M
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i think the name of the song is "signs" the lyrics are, signs signs everywhere a sign ,do this don't do that can't you read the sign. i think it's a song from the seventies does anyone know
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captains log
I must get a new watch as I cant tell the time. The pubs are nearly open. Shame I wont be going in one today.
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captains log
Legend can I for one day please take over your word for the day. Cheers. Knobbys word for today is COWARD. Now that conjures up to me names like elvis,dabees,whiffy,monkeysh1t,newssh1t, sir prix, The...
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silly as it might sound, i cant remember the last time i saw a decent privet.. my question is this... are privets a thing of the past ? :-)
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styley nkrupts_make_a_wish_0
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is the ab appreciation page?
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im joint owner of my home but having problems with my husband can he lock me out of the house
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Hi I am Trying to compell a list of all the 80's memorys. Can any of you help!!! What do you remember from 1980-1989, can be anything from tv, to cars to food. Any help would be greatly received!
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it is true that a clue to a woman's views of her femininity might be found in her choice of underwear? its for a class on college
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Do you wish you were a certain film star?if so who? Do you wish you had bigger/smaller breasts? Same question regarding your bum .Bigger /smaller ? Have you had more or less than 10 partners /lovers...
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Please excuse my ignoance here, but why are hot cross buns and bunnies relevant to easter? TIA
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has my friend ( 25 ) just brought her own house ??? when i work with 45 year olds that are still renting , she works in a solicitors office as a pa , ooo er mrs - also i know couples that cant afford...
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What is the purpose of the hair on our heads? If it was just there to do the same job as the rest of our body hair, then why not grow to a certain length and fall off like the rest? TIA
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i am intending to not pay a civil parking ticket, having consulted, Conrad murray on watchdog, who states that you are not leagally liable to pay these fines, & that you have not committed any...
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i have an idea/invention i truly believe in...have done the drawings etc and can pay to get prototype due to send drawings and details off to invent uk ltd....i do not have large amounts of...
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but I can't burn it to dvd. I can play it in windows movie player. i converted it to mpeg also but still cant burn it. I am using xillisoft. Any other way? thanks.
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what easter egg do you want ,,,? i dont mind what as long as its big ..

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