with dothawkes, pixi and dakota on it! I really do not get the point of doing it because it was in the early hours, when there was noone about to bother, it wasn't even an interesting thread, in any...
I have just wrapped up a load of presents and now they're all piled in a corner of my room. I didn't intend getting a Christmas tree but now the prezzies look lonely :( Should I get a magic tree? :)
My friend is considering getting her parents a bird nest camera for their Christmas present. They are both really into that sort of thing so wants to get them one that will stream the images to their...
Anyone remember this mini series set in Brighton. It was a fantasy murder thriller type programme which involved an individual plotting the murders of people in a computer game, which then began to be...
Whoever posted as Dakota and Dothawkes in the Thread titled "Drusilla and Dove" was not Dot or I - as you can see I have {} around my name and Dot goes as dotjhawkes now - we both ditch those names...
In a post on cb last night someone posted as pixi. This username used to be mine until all the problems with the user id hijacking. I dont know who is using the name but it isnt me, can everyone...
Join in! Pick up an instrument from the corner and play... I'll start with the Bass Bum Bum Bum Bum... <I maybe onto a loser here> Bum Bum Bum Bum...diddle etc etc