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I went for an interview the other day and they asked me a (weird) question... it was "if i could have dinner with 3 famous people, dead or alive, who would it be" I thought this was strange for...
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come on peeps, lets talk about something exciting
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There was a pretest march outside Downing Street today by the ALZHEIMERS RIGHTS GROUP. They were heard to be chanting:- "WHAT DO WE WANT? WE DON'T KNOW" "WHEN DO WE WANT IT?...
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Are blonde's really thick or are brunettes just as thick only relevant females answer
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Ok, come on people, let's all join hands, hum, and chant together: 'Love is peace, love is peace, we can love, I like fleece' (well, it had to rhyme) Can we all do that?
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Q: How many honest, intelligent, caring men in the world does it take to do the dishes? A: Both of them.Q: Why did the man cross the road? A: He heard the chicken was a ****. Q: Why don't women blink...
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how does a normal penis work?
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Is that because your leaders have gone off the scene for a while... georgit, champagne, nedflanders etc etc...  Cant start real discussions without them no?
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does anyone else like this? i do. mmmmm pie fanny
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I've just read a question in How it Works and wondered if it was serious or not.  What do you think?
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Do you think i would get away with selling my housemate on ebay? I have decided they are bad for my health.
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Did you hear about the Irishman who tried to blow up a bus? He burnt his lips on the exhaust pipe.I thank you.
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a person 538
the deranged cheese is coming for you all!
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What do you all do for a living?  Do you have really high up jobs where you can be on this site ALL day?  Youa re all around the 30 mark and yet this is the sort of thing that kids do. ...
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please miss can i go to loo?
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This getting a bit boring, where as all the fun gone you
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So what do we all think he/she looks like?I think she's female and is scrawny-looking with a hairy wart on her nose and big flaring nostrils.
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Paddy's doing well on "Who wants to be a Millionaire"He's got ?500,000. Chris Tarrant asks him the big question for 1 million quid. "Paddy, for ?1million, who was the great train robber?Was it - A,...
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Can anyone help me with 39 across. I have all the rest if anyone needs any help... Thanks Adam

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