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strangle right now? I was packing up and about to leave work at 4 when a member of my staff came into the office and started shouting about another member of staff. The other member of staff in...
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noway2 azing-concept-cars.html?image=4
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hi did'nt know where to put this and need a fairly quick answer so here goes.. how long do you have to give a person to collect an item they have brought on ebay. before you relist item, i have...
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Overcast and promissing to rain here in Gloucestershire this morning. The weather boffins say it's gonig to be a lousy week. Oh well, enjoy it in spite of them everyone.
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im 29
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Thick fog here in Gloucestershire this morning. We had a spectacular thunder storm yesterday, quite a sight. have a good day whatever you are doing everyone.
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No,Knowledge Sun 07/06/09 19:41 i like to lick fish.
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really care about?
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someone have a fetish ? I have just been looking on Ebay at shoes and there advertised are a 'well worn' pair of shoes. They are in a right horrible state, there is even a photo of the woman with her...
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It's still chucking down here in Gloucestershire, and it looks as if it likes the place so much it's decided to take up residence. I guess I won't be doing too much today☺ Enjoy what you may...
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On here when everybody was enjoying some good banter and having a laugh. Do you get some jealous person or persons coming on here and try to cause trouble and ruin things, are they just jealous or...
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Who'd like to join me in VEGEMITE on toast for brekkie? No Marmite in THIS house. Lol.
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If every user name you posted under was banned from this site, would you continue to re-register a new user name every night or just accept that you weren't wanted and move on?
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Small problem removed and replaced rear diff bearings on a vauxhall brave 4x4 pick up, before removing anything brakes where spot in, after replacing everything including bleeding rear brakes pedal...
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cos I am feeling a bit down today and need cheering up. I've had a very busy week at work and I've walked nearly 4 miles home every night. I'm tired and moody!
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everytime I flick through the channels on digi box, the On the Buses film is on, like every day! Its not even a good film. so why is it on?
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Is there anything we can put in our dogs water to stop his urine scorching the lawn ? I have heard of 'dog rocks' but wondered if there was another method, like something to put into his food ? All...
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The sun was nice while it lasted, wet and miserable today here in Gloucestershire, and it looks like tomorrow is going to be also. Oh well, have a good day anyway everyone.
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I do believe another fine day is in store here in Gloucestershire. I hope so, 'cos we are doing nowt today. a rest is in order. Have an enjoyable day eveeryone.
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stiff one?

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