...what happened to the thread? anyway my question is this - movies: 1. Bedazzled (?) 2. LSATSBarrels 3. Leon 4. Shawshank Redemption. 5 ??? 6. An American Beauty 7. Black Hawk Down. 8. U571 (?) 9....
in this film, the english patient himslef refers to a book which is his favourite though i can't for the life of me make out who he is referring to - sounds like Hironiclese, herodiclus, herogonese?...
the land behind my fence is thick with nettles and they keep growing under the fence - how can i get rid of them permanently? Nuclear methods are possibilities i will consider, but organic/natural...
Barbed Wire, Lizard, Bobby Moore, Manchester, Magwitch, MacBeth, Michael, Magma, Monkees, Mexico, Moses, Malcolm X - one is wrong somewhere (but i can't figure out for the life of me) [nb Could you...
......i've got TGRGCLSMZBVNC - what did i get wrong? [nb Could you keep all Languid/ Net Riddle questions in one category to prevent the rest of the site being over-run? I suggest People & Places - AB...
What mythical creature means a swiss banker?What is the most common nickname for the borough 'City of London' [nb Could you keep all Languid/ Net Riddle questions in one category to prevent the rest...
11 12 11 2 1 11 1 1 2 2 1???? can't work out the next in the sequence, if anyone has any ideas. All i can work out is that each adds up to the next in the fibonacci series, or have i looked too deep?...
I heard something on the news the other night which gave another slant as to why we are there - they were interviewing an Iraqi who stated that the common Iraqi people have been waiting 10 years for...
I'm looking for a place to visit for an overnight stop (treat for the wife) somewhere on the scottish borders as we don't want to travel far (currently in Nth Yorks) - Have visited Kelso recently so...
Question for Mr AB Editor him/herself - Is this 'pick on Darth' week or something? I have noticed some of my answers/responses are disappearing although i am never abusive nor defamatory, and i do not...
... USA (well Bush to be precise, does he speak for the people of USA?) have announced that they will go into war alone if necessary, whether or not Britain follows. Is this the get-out clause the...
I heard the Firemen rejected a 16% paydeal recently but I missed the news so i'm intrigued to know why they rejected this one, when they were ready to accept 16% before Christmas (before the...
On occasion i have a strange sensation on the side of my face/head. It usually starts in the scalp above the ear, but extends to my cheek, lower jaw, and today it is in my eyesocket. Basically when i...
following on from flirty41's question about chemical naming standards i have noticed on certain toiletries the ingredient 'aqua' - anyone know what exactly it is? (Or made up of?)