I replaced my 7 year old OnePlus 3T a while back and intended to deposit in a recycling box in town. Wife suggested I sell it, I laughed (it's not an iPhone or a Samsung) but tried one of the... ...
..tonight it's Gingsters pasties and cauliflower cheese, followed by a couple of chopped up, wrinkled, almost past their best, nectarines. If I had any chocolate I'd have that too 😏
it's easy if you try: And interesting going by this. Only 86% of Lib Dems would stick with the party ... https://ibb.co/JvV4nzf Not much love for Reform it would seem among Labour voters ... ...
I’ve just received the blackmail e-mail below (in my spam folder), interestingly the sent e-mail address is my own e-mail address (I don’t know how they do that). I doubt very much that they have... ...
First thing this morning there was an excellent leading article on the web page of the Telegraph; 'Multiculturalism is becoming a Trojan horse for Islamist domination. The Michaela scandal is... ...
Barry just posted a video of Happy Talk from South Pacific which automatically had me trilling. When I stopped for breath I said to my husband, 'I really wish I could sing'. 'So do I', he said.... ...