Has risen to £ 8.6 billion a year, what cab be done to prevent this? Why not MAKE people take a job on offer after all there are lots of vacancies so we’re told ,I was staggered to learn that people...
Throughout our life, I guess most of us have wished we had done something we were contemplating and, on the other hand, done something which we wish we hadn't done. Has this happened to you? I wish I...
at our current location, for the last few hours, soaking up the sun, enjoying the peace and quiet and a couple of margaritas. Dog has been running around, up at the fence checking for bunnies, dodging...
What's your opinion on tattoos? They're not for me personally but some of them showcase outstanding artwork bordering on sheer brilliance. This is the tattoo that OH declared last week that he...
I trust all the doom-mongers who forecast the monarchy would disintegrate when Charles took over are feeling appropriately foolish. It appears to me to be as strong as ever. What do the doom-mongers...
Do we have to tolerate those two stupid policemen eating haribo's and speaking in a very annoying squeaky voice.
I have to turn the sound off it p'ss me off so much.
Does it bother anyone else?...
This story in today’s Daily Mail on-line interested me (especially as some ABers think me a racist). In the article the Oxford professor claims that there were many very good things about British...
A little fun to raise some much needed cash. The loose change jar is getting full, so I will give 20p for every job you can come up with that's NOT the ideal job to have. ( Please only 1 job per post)...
What stupid thing have you done lately? I prepared Irish Stew and put it in slow cooker for dinner. On returning from work, I found uncooked meal! I had switched on kitchen CD player instead of the...
Can B.Sc Undergraduate straightly become a great inventor and scientist that not even a Ph.d could deem to become ? What should one do to become like that ?
Over the past year, after a period of severe anxiety, I have been trying to understand myself more, build resilience and develop tools to be able to deal with what life throws at me I have realised...
Hopefully not, but if there was a fire at your abode and, after seeing that family and pets were safe, you only had time to take three items with you - what would they be? I would grab a box folder...
This Diversity Botox is becoming seriously out of control https://uk.yahoo.com/news/royal-air-force-illegally-discriminated-170300151.html Good people are resigning or deciding not to sign up because...
I am having an argument with my wife. Her mother has been in hospital five weeks after a fall at home when she broke some ribs. Local council rang to arrange 'discharge care package' which they said...
What of the million pounds given to Rwanda ,do we get that back?...
I am fascinated by the Usernames on this sitte. I am assuming names such as Barry, William, Naomi, Patsy are your own first names. But is Tora Tora Tora a tiger, Pastafreak a lover of Italian food,...
This quote popped up on my page today. Does anyone know which book it comes from? · “The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already it was...