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Can anyone tell me if there is ananimal that's evolution in any way has been affected by humans? By this i mean, when the creature is born, something in it's genetic structure would not be the way it...
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Do any Aber's believe they have guardian angels? Sometimes in the past I have been sitting in a room on my own and I feel a presence, as if I am not alone. The feeling is one of well being and it...
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- Which is the farthest known galaxy ? - How far away is it ? - How many stars is it estimated to contain? - How old is it estimated to be ? - What is the estimated width and length ? - who discovered...
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I asked this previously on the Body & Soul topic, but it would be interesting to ask it again here, as I presume there's more interest in such matters:- Are you hopeful / worried about going to Heaven...
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Anyone here read the book by Richard Dawkins.Recently spent 1/2 hour browsing through it (cant afford the 20 quid to buy it yet and there is a massive waiting list at the library for it).Dawkins is a...
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i here that gravity becomes weaker the further two objects move apart. if this is rite what happend at the beginning of time when all the matter we can observe was supposed to be crushed together to...
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OK so I fixed my shower the other day because water was coming out luke warm(descaled and cleaned) put it all back together and hot water returned. Now, a few days later, water is luke warm again....
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Why does the plasma core inside a TOKAMAK fusion reactor burn colour less (totally invisible) and the outer edges burn white.
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What are the problems associated with DNA fingerprinting?E.g. time-consuming etc Thanks
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DNA and RNA are the two main types of?
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When people say that the life expectancy of a man in this country (UK) is 79 (or whatever it is), what does it mean? It surely cannot mean that a boy born today will have a 50/50 chance of living to...
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Didn't this lead to a shortage in council housing? Why were families of tenants allowed to purchase property on their behalf and sell for a profit on the tenants death?
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Does anybody know the scientific name for fear of crustaceans, if there is one?
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What is the basic theory behind gene technolgy in terms of how the genetic material is manipulated and changed?
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where does it come from? please dont say the nuclear power station!!! i dont think i have ever been told how nuclear is made or mined or grown???????
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we have a number of fossils from Italy how can we determine their age ? now I nkow Italy rose up from the sea so basically it boils down to find out how and when italy evolved geologically
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what are the functions of body hair?
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If Adam & Eve were the first 2 people - and they only had 2 sons - Cain & Able (that's 4 people on the planet) - where did the wives come from that Cain & Able married? This is a serious question -...
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whats the fasted growing bacteria? i know a few that are supposed to double in a few minutes, but even after a week, there still wont be many as they are microscopic is there anything that multiplies...
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I am in the throes of moving house and trying to evaluate what to do with regards to watching TV. I currently have an old TV and a Sky+ box and will be asking Sky to come and install some kind of...

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