Hi, I often shop in those hippy, fair trade places and when you walk in there is the most fantastic incense smell. The smell is always on the things I buy but unfortunately it doesn't last long. Do...
The new Lynx advert claims that mens sweat only attracts other men. Isn't this a load of rubbish? I always thought that that's how you found your mate cause sweat contains pheromones, to which your...
Is it just me, or does anyone else get really annoyed with stupid women's adverts that are full of long pseudo-scientific words that mean absolutely nothing. For example, hair dye with PURE...
Does anyone know of a good fantasy clothing site or shop? I take part in live action role play and am looking for a female elven costume to wear, but cannot find anywhere that stocks this type of...
After watching Indiana Jones the other day, I got to thinking. How did the people who built the first rope bridges attach it to the other side? Did someone really have to climb down shear rock faces...