1ac. Those taking a tumble when intercepted by moving boot? (11) (==o===l=e=s). 8ac. It's hard to come down on planet - unsuitable territory to alight on! (9) (==r=h=a=d) EARTHWARD? 1d. Cheap drink...
I posted this a few months back and people seemed to enjoy it so thought we could give it a new run. It's a 20 question test which at the end gives you your mental age. I just did it again and got 37,...
10a. Supply joke over the internet. (5) (e=u=p) EQUIP? 25a. More wintry with greater risk not starting. (5) (==i=r). 27a. Sporting competition gets the French fit.(6) (===g=e). 19d. Standard metal in...
I have been following this on another site also and a few have emailed the editor and this is the reply they got: Dear ....... Thank you for your recent mail to Saga Magazine questioning the July...
3d. Turn up before the race as stroke.(4) (p-t-). 11ac.Passes English with mistakes. (7) I had Elapses but 8d. Has been given as Addle which makes the last S a D. Any help appreciated.
Saga Crossword
18d. putting on weight possibly (L------)
25a. Detective all but eschewing the flesh (------)
16d. It's me calling in a Fury! (--s------)...
13ac. A bit of work, as goalkeeper finally put in a save. (7) (e===r=t). 6d. Crash into broken cart or another vehicle. (7) (t=a===r). Think 13 could be excerpt and 6 tractor but they don't fit...
Havin completed the crossword, would someone tell me the answers to the shaded ones from Saturday. In a senior moment I didn't make a note of them. Many thanks in advance.