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If you are called upon to read a lesson in church How do you start and finish? This would be in a Church of England
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What do the following have in common? Calmness, canopy, first, sighing
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When I asked my Uncles age he said 35, not counting Saturdays and Sundays How old is my Uncle?
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What is 1 across "get dressed up to impress(3-2-3-4)
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When do we finally find out who killed him? Is this going to drag out for weeks?
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A man received the same number of birthday cards as his age Half of them less three were from relatives A Quarter of them plus four were from friends The remaining six were from colleagues How old is...
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Two words in the english language that start and finish with UND
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A card received from Bruce Heath showed an empty whiskey bottle and a full whiskey bottle both in a field of Barley What is it expected to mean?
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Has anyone seen that girl latelyshe is like a house on that vcr33p comedy awards thing
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Name the sports stars from the following clues Take a Fairground Stallholder to Court Touch for a few bob Paint Diana's lad
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Which Elvis Presley song was taken from an old Irish Melody?
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A train leaves station A travelling at 30mph going to Station B105 miles away 30 minutes later a Train leaves station B travelling towards station A at 60mph How far, are they from station A when they...
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Which is the odd one out and why? Bull, Bear,Greyhound, Hare, Salmon, Stag
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Which is the odd one out and why? Bull, Bear, Greyhound, Hare, Salmon, Stag
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Ok i know there are a lot of age gap questions on here! Speaking from experience i used to go out with a guy 16 years older than didn't work!! Anyway my mate who is 26 has met a guy who is 19,...
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If it takes one man 30 minutes to assemble two computers and another man takes 25 minutes to assemble one How long does it take them both to assemble four computers?
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i have just filled my hubbys diesel car with petrol. !!!!!!!!! i havent started the engine, but am waiting for the rac to tow me to a garage. is that the only option ? anyone know how much they will...
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Do it once and you are to be commended Do it twice on the same day and you could br prosecuted
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The french are on the verge of electing a woman Preident which is all well and good in these days of equal oppurtunities But I just hope she isn't suffering from PMT when her finger is on Nuclear...
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The following are clues to help you name Singers Offspring of a golfers assistant ? Children of the shore? Reverence gemstone? They gather no moss? Precious Biscuits?

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